We have just followed the announcement of the still provisional results of the "autarquicas".
As in my previous post, I now reaffirm that Frelimo has won even more than 80% of the municipalities.

Historically, the opposition's performance is not something new and does not mean any remarkable movement that might suggest some sort of progress.

In 2003 Renamo won in five of the thirty-three municipalities, namely Angoche, Beira, Ilha de Moçambique, Marromeu and Nacala. In 2008 it lot all of them. In the 2013 elections Renamo did not run and MDM " had to close the gap, having won in four: Gurué, Beira, Quelimane and Nampula.
In yesterday's elections, the total number of municipalities won by the opposition does not exceed 10: Beira, Quelimane, Nampula, Alto-Molocue, Island of Mozambique, Angoche, Malema (village), Monapo (village), Nacala Porto (city). And let's say, these are very tight wins that in practice, may not mean that much. Comparatively, opposition parties have doubled their wins in 12 years!
Surely, for the success of their tenures in  these municipalities, there should be a lot of negotiation, a lot of discussion and concessions, a lot of "inclusion" in decision-making and a lot of good faith and focus on citizens.
All Mozambicans of good faith; every Frelimo member and sympathizer and to all lovers of Peace and stability and development of Mozambique should be proud to see Frelimo being entrusted again in more than 80% of the municipalities of Mozambique. And Frelimo will take this with great responsibility, aware of the challenges that will face but also aware of the need to do much more to recover people’s trust in both lost and won municipalities.
The opposition’s fury and echo chambers testify to the fact that these elections were free, transparent, fair and credible. 26 years later, and for the first time in the electoral history, the opposition’s public perception is generally benevolent to the electoral administration bodies. I also think that this time round, they have improved a lot, for the sake of democracy itself.

The next step is still challenging: in the next 5 years, citizens will need to scrutinize, criticize and support the implementation of the municipal management plans, ensuring that the agreed plan is fulfilled, and that each citizen is happy again, reinforcing their confidence in the future.

What I have just stated does not suggest any acritical perspective necessary to both the electoral process and the seriousness of political parties towards citizens. Let us awaken to reality, study it minutely, accommodate people’s concerns.
I think the time has come for SCIENCE to have a sit at the national debate’s table and have its due air time respected.
Original and discussion at:


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